Sunday, July 1, 2007

Living a selfish life part two

One of the readers and my good friend Richeek has raised some points of objection and I feel the need to clarify them through this post.

Well Richeek,I think a man is inherently self-confident.When he starts seeing the world around him,he perceives the fact that almost everyone in this world tries to live for others and always in constant fear of being unacceptable to their fellow beings.This makes them lose faith in their ability.You see,when you are involved in charity,you are involved in some sort of sacrifice.Then it stands to reason that there must be someone present to collect the sacrificial offerings.
"When there's service,there's someone 
being served".
Then there comes the servant-master relation with the man speaking of sacrifices intending to be the master.

A man's first duty is to himself.It is the right of man to be happy,happy in his own judgement and not go by what others say.

This is a world where the thought of each man is not his own, but an attempt to guess the thought of the brain of his neighbor who has no thought of his own but an attempt to guess the thought of the next neighbor who has no thought--and so on around the globe.

There are a very few egoists in the world and a huge number of altruists,people ready to help others.Look around and see how many people are happy to live all by themselves,not meddling about others,not at all concerned about what others do or think. Please think about it and let me know about your thoughts.

Living a selfish life

This is my first blog and as the name suggests,it will be about my way of living,living selfishly.
The choice of the topic itself is selfish,when there are so many other 'worldly' topics to choose from.But I'm an 'Egoist',and so people who are reading my blog will have to make do with my idiosyncrasies!
One of the most annoying things about this world is the growing presence of the 'Altruists',who for some reason believe that they are doing something noble by devoting their time and energy to the welfare of others.How can a living being live for others in the fundamental sense?Can you breathe for another person?And the answer is NO!You breathe for your survival.You don't think through another's brain and you don't work through another's hands.Then why is there the rush to take part in modern-day charities?It's easier to donate a few thousand to charity and think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement.People all over the world speak for murderers when they are sentenced to death,but they will not stand by for an independent man,a man who works to satisfy his own needs without being conscious of others because they consider it to the ultimate sin,to try and satisfy your ego.They speak lofty things about virtue,charm,kindness and happiness in helping others.What these men do not possess is their faculty of independent judgement.They have lost their ability to reason and go blindly wherever the inertia of mass(people) takes them.
The functions of ego is to judge,feel and act accordingly.Men ignore the advice of their ego while trying to please his neighbour who in turn acts in ways that would please his neighbour and so on,not one does pause and think what exactly he is doing for himself.He acts according to common perceptions,his judgement is based on what others will perceive and not on what he truly seeks.Think about all great creators and scientists.Only by living for themselves were they able to achieve the things which are the glory of mankind. Such is the nature of achievement.

Now i know this has been a pain to read for you,since i myself could not clearly put my ideas and thoughts in writing.But thank you all the same for going through it.I'll end with a quotation from "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand,the one book that has affected my philosophies and ideas most profoundly yet.

"You've probably wondered why people suffer, why they seek happiness and never find it. If any man stopped and asked himself whether he's ever held a truly personal desire, he'd find the answer. He'd see that all his wishes, his efforts, his dreams, his ambitions are motivated by other men. He's not really struggling even for material wealth, but for the second-hander's delusion--prestige." -The Fountainhead